Montessori toys with their own hands, master class, photo, instruction / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

Montessori toys with their own hands, master class, photo, instruction / Toys with own hands, patterns, video, MK

The system of the Italian teacher Maria Montessori -This is a kind of guide for a child up to a year and older into the outside world. It plays the role of an assistant in the development of feelings, sensations, dexterity of hands, perfection of skills of fine motor skills. Developing toys Montessori fairly simple to manufacture, that is, to make their own by the power of any parent. Even for a child of up to a year they will prove to be an excellent developing tool, help separate the private from the general, the big from the small, will show the variety of shapes and subjects of this world. How to make these educational toys with your own hands? And what they are - what will help to develop fine motor skills, sleight of hand, and what will play a greater role in the formation of logical thinking?

Montessori sheet with geometric figures

figures of Montessori We will need:

  • Box of candy or cardboard, hard enough;
  • Whatman or thick leaf from the album;
  • Colored paper.

First you need to cut the box orcardboard on small rectangles. How many of them will be decided by you, it depends on how many figures you want to introduce your child to. In principle, a child of up to a year and a little older will have enough of a square, a circle, a rectangle and a triangle. The cut out figures are pasted with their own hands a paper of different colors. Let's say a yellow triangle, a red square, a green rectangle, a blue circle. Then these figures are glued in one row on the sheet of Whatman. The second row is glued on the same principle, but the figures follow in a different order - different than the first row, and have already different colors. That is a red triangle, a yellow circle, a green square, a blue rectangle. And the third and fourth rows are glued on the same principle. Thus, a child of up to a year and slightly older learns to distinguish the concepts of "color" and "form." To realize that objects of the same color do not necessarily coincide in other characteristics. Such developing lessons from Montessori are very important for the baby, and you can make such a visual table yourself in half an hour.

Covers with the letters Montessori

letters with covers Make it yourself with this toy Montessorican those who have in the house there are 33 identical metal lids from the cans. And magnetic letters. The principle is simple enough - the letters are connected to the inside of the lid, the lids turn over. The child must turn all the caps and find the letters with his own hands. This in the same way develops small motor skills, logical thinking, and memory. Of course, these developing games are no longer for a child up to a year old, but a little older. Let's say three years. After all the caps are turned upside down, and the letters are found, you can learn to make syllables and even words. This game from Montessori is good because you can play it up to 5-6 years, until the child goes to school.

Colored hedgehogs

hedgehog with clothespins But the Montessori toy, created, the mainway, for the development of fine motor skills. In order to make it yourself, you need color thick paper, glue and multi-colored clothespins. First you need to cut out of paper hedgehogs, two halves for one figure. Then halves are glued together, on the muzzle of the hedgehog a nose and eyes are drawn. Then the child with his own hands should give the hedgehog with needles, that is, clothespins. Clinging a clothespin to the back of the carved toy, the kid should call the colors. In addition to developing hands and fine motor skills, this Montessori toy helps and strengthens memory.

Rough plaques

The Montessori system provides for a thoroughdevelopment of tactile abilities of the child. The sensitivity of the hands, fingers, the opportunity to feel all the richness of touch and convey it in words is very important for a child who is over a year old. Montessori toys To create this toy it is necessary to paste ondense paper for several pieces of different materials: sandpaper, fur, felt, velor, ribbed and smooth fabric. With the eyes closed, the child must, first, guess what concerns his hands, and secondly, describe his feelings. The more he uses epithets for this, the better. The richer the palette of sensations - the better! So, as we see, it's not difficult to make educational toys with our own hands.

And 18 more ideas

To improve the sensitivity of the hands, smallmotor skills, logic and memory are necessary when the child turned a little more than a year old. The Montessori system is aimed at creating the environment as early as possible in which he begins to live and think independently of his parents. And educational toys are one of the most important elements of this environment.

