We are perfecting New Year's crackers with our own hands. Simply and completely free of charge create an important holiday attribute. PhotoInstruction

We are perfecting New Year's crackers with our own hands. Simply and completely free of charge create an important holiday attribute. PhotoInstruction

Fun, noise, din - the obligatory attributes of eachNew Year's holiday. Millions of gay kids and adults around the world want not only aesthetic satisfaction from fine crafts, but also entertainment and amusements. And what can be entertaining than noisy and beautiful crackers. After all, most babies are waiting for exactly the hour when the coveted cotton will sound and confetti will scatter around the whole room. But in our time even such simple pyrotechnics can be dangerous for you, and especially for the child. After all, pirated products very often fail to adhere to safety rules and can hide unpleasant surprises. That's why you need to worry about the safety of your family and create a New Year's cracker with your own hands. Moreover, using our simple tips and instructions, you will be able to make an article not only correctly working, beautiful, but also completely free. So let's get down to making our New Year's pyrotechnics.

To create a New Year's cracker with your own hands you will need:

  • Medical disposable syringe with a capacity of 10 mm. This is in every medicine cabinet and it is easy and cheap to buy at any pharmacy;
  • The paper cylinder. It can be made independently from plain cardboard, or else it will be even more convenient to use a basis from a roll of toilet paper;
  • Scotch;
  • Corrugated cardboard;
  • Wrapping;
  • Shells from the toy in the kinder surprise. Thus, you can also please your baby with your favorite tasty food.
  • Hole puncher;
  • Scissors.
  • Let's proceed directly to the creation of the craft. First measure the dimensions (diameter) of our cylinder. Using these parameters, cut out of the corrugated board 2 circles. Or you can use the cylinder as a stencil, put on a base to circle and cut circles. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo №1 Next, put one of the circles on the graduated hollow cylinder of our syringe. Then lower it to the base. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo # 2 The next step is to pull a piston out of the syringe barrel. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Picture №3 After this, we put on the piston a second circle of corrugated cardboard and place it in place in the syringe. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo №4 Next step. Pick up the plastic shell from the kinder surprise and make a hole in the bottom with the awl. An important point! The hole should exactly match the diameter of the cone of our syringe on which the needle is inserted. Watch this moment very carefully because if the hole you made is a bit larger, it will not loosely fit on the cone and will let in a little air. And this, in turn, will lead to the fact that the mechanism of our New Year's crackers does not work. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo №5 Next, put our shell on the cone for the needle of the syringe. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo №6 We place our workpiece in a paper cylinder. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo №7 After this, using tape, we fix the rings cut from the corrugated cardboard to the bottom of the paper cylinder. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo №8 The next step is to take the wrapping paper andcut out of it confetti. It is very easy to do this using a punch. Unrelated material should be enough to completely fill the plastic shell from under the kinder surprise photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo Number 9 After that, pour the confetti into our mold. Pull the plunger of the syringe to the limit and close the not very tight box. It should not snap fully. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Picture №10 Decorate your New Year's cracker. You can also use wrapping paper for this. Simply glue her product. It is best to use more dense wrapping paper, if it is too thin, it can spread out and the product will look sloppy. The mechanism for using the cracker is as follows. Press the plunger sharply, the cap of the plastic container will fly off easily, the cotton will sound and confetti will explode around it. You can use such a New Year's Cockerel a great many times. Simply fill the confetti again, cover the lid and the product is ready to entertain you and others. photo process of creating a New Year's crackers with their own hands. Photo Number 11 That's all the beautiful New Year's cracker,made with your own hands ready. Thus, very quickly and completely free of improvised materials and, using the simple tools available in the arsenal of each hostess, you were able to produce a great product. In addition to the fact that such an article has got to you completely free of charge and unlike other, store options can be reused, it also looks great and can take the place of one of the Christmas tree decorations, or simply decorate the room. In addition, you can be completely sure that the New Year's cracker, made by yourself, is completely safe and will not cause any harm to you or others. Therefore, it can be offered for use even by the child and believe it, he will come to genuine delight. Do not hesitate to make a wonderful and safe New Year reusable clapper yourself and now bring to your house a magical festive mood, for which you will be grateful to everyone around you.

