DIY New Year's Champagne Decoupage - Master Class for a Bottle

DIY New Year's Champagne Decoupage - Master Class for a Bottle

Decoupage is a handicraft art, withwith which you can decorate any type of object and improve any interior detail. For this you will need regular napkins or special napkins for decoupage. Craftswomen in this craft find classes for themselves on decorating any object. However, one of the most common types of decoupage is still container decoupage.New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo №1

DIY New Year's Champagne Decoupage - Master Class for a Bottle

It is worth noting that you do not necessarily have to immediatelyget the desired result and certainly do not prepare to create masterpieces on the first try. But, using this lesson and many others for design, there is a great chance to get the desired result soon. To decoupage a New Year's bottle, you need to have a number of products:New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo # 2Materials for the bottle

  • Necessary scissors for manicure
  • PVA glue
  • Brush
  • Acrylic paint
  • Varnish (acrylic)
  • Contour (black color)
  • Household goblet
  • Small napkins with the theme of the New Year
  • Sequins, confetti and glyterra.
  • The rain, also ribbons.

New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Picture №3Priming the product You need to take champagne andwash it from various labels, using cold water. Using a foam sponge, we apply a layer of acrylic primer. The primer can be purchased in special stores for artists. Wait until the paint dries and apply another layer of paint. If necessary - apply a third layer to get rid of transparent spots. As soon as the paint covers all the details - you can proceed to the next step. If you see an unevenness on the bottle, you should sand it.New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo №4 New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo №5Bottle design Next, we take and prepare the design forof our product. We choose kitchen napkins with the necessary thematic drawings. We tear the necessary layout options and trim them with scissors. The fragments need to be glued to the bottle using modern decoupage tools. In our case of design, the Christmas tree will be on the front side of the product, in its central part. The New Year's clock will be on the back side of the product.New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo №6 New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo №7We will make a gift bottle, so it is necessarydesign a gift greeting. It is necessary to print special phrases in the required language and font and make a printout. Use a laser printer. The papers must be thinned using scotch tape (office). Then, the strips of cattle must be glued to the back of the paper. Carefully tear off the tape. The paper will come off with the tape and after, only the layer with the inscription will remain. It is necessary to tear off the inscription by hand and glue them to the bottle using PVA glue. Finishing the appearance of the bottleNew Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo №8Using black acrylic outline, the lettersoutline and wait until they dry. The letters should be slightly higher than the surface of the bottle. Then - cover the bottle with our background. Using a foam sponge, we apply gold acrylic paint to the bottle in an even layer. Next, you need to fill in the places where there are small holes. Next, wait for the paint to cover the required surface. It is also necessary to paint over the inscriptions.New Year's decoupage of champagne with their own hands - a master class for a bottle. Photo Number 9Now, using the drawing elements, we createdrawing. Using a black outline, we will correct the letters. We will outline them using precise contours. Next, they will become convex. We will draw details on the dial of our watch. Using glitter, we put dots around our texts. Then, we wait until everything dries, and the border of the printout disappears. Next, we apply crystal paste to add snow. After that, we apply the paste in those places where there is a lower edge for foil. Instead of making toys for the drawing, we glue confetti of a shiny color. With the help of varnish, this element will be well intercepted. For black letters, we apply glitter with shiny elements. The bottle must be covered with a small layer of glossy acrylic varnish. That's it, dry the product and give it to a loved one!

