How to carve a doll will be interesting to know all mothers who have small daughters

How to carve a doll will be interesting to know all mothers who have small daughters

How to carve a doll? The question is interesting enough and worries many needlewomen, especially those who have small daughters, nieces, sisters. To make the product really beautiful, it is important to do the pattern calculations and carry out subsequent manipulations according to all the rules, adhering to the proportions. In this article, we will try to tell you how to properly build a pattern of this wonderful product. Everyone knows that in order to please your child with a beautiful toy, you do not need to have a lot of money at all. You can create it yourself with the materials that you will find at your fingertips. Most likely, the first dolls were invented by the Greeks. They were specifically designed for children. They were small figures of wood. But dolls from fabrics were first found on the territory of the settlement of the ancient Slavs. These were not only toys designed for children's games, but, first of all, amulets. This kind of art is not forgotten, but continues its existence, development in our days. Now the popularity of making such products, like dolls, with their own hands is gaining momentum. In the old days ordinary simple peasants did not have the opportunity to please their children with expensive toys. Then people started to get out of the situation, creating dolls from those materials that they could find in the house. Therefore, mothers or grandmothers invented different types of dolls. Most often, children prefer not to buy colorful toys, but dolls and other toys made by themselves. After all, they have all the best qualities: love and warmth. Perhaps, children feel when there is something that was made specifically for them. Such gifts will be pleasant not only to children, but also to adults. By investing a certain sense, the doll can become a wonderful souvenir that will suit any interior. Also, it can be a kind of amulet. During the filling of the doll, you can safely use the most unpredictable materials, for example, fill it with healing and medicinal herbs. Also, you can add aromatic herbs or oils, so there will always be a pleasant unusual aroma in the room. And, you see, toys, in particular, dolls that are purchased in the store, do not have the same energy as dolls made by themselves. How to carve a doll. Photo №1 Now it's time to talk about the materials, with the help ofwhat can make a doll. First you need to decide on the shape you want to create. Their huge number. In addition, each product needs its own elements, materials and special tools. One of the simplest versions of homemade toys that even a child can master is a doll made of paper, socks or old, unnecessary tights, various colored threads, the most common straw, etc. Based on this, in the end, you will get an amazing variety of creations. Moreover, significantly different from each other. Suppose a doll made of heavy paper is not difficult to make. If you still do not paint badly, then everything will be even easier. It is enough to depict the silhouette of the future figure, then carefully cut out. If you want the product to last as long as possible, then it is recommended to stick the thick paper again and cut it as well. Often, small fashionistas like to change their dolls, make them hairstyles. Therefore, draw in advance several outfits along the contours of the figure. Approximately the same actions can be used for dolls from old unnecessary tights or socks. For this, it is necessary to cut out pieces of a figure from thick paper, namely, hands, feet, head and trunk. Cover it all with old tights, preferably skin color. Fasten them on the inside of each figure with a thread, then connect all parts with a hidden seam. I think, now you will see that it is not necessary to throw away unnecessary tights, they can give a second life, sending them for the benefit of such a wonderful lesson. But it is much more interesting to create more voluminous toys. It is more pleasant to crush them, to lose in their hands or to put them on a shelf. For this you can use all the same tights. All parts of the toy must be filled with any filling material, connect them all together. After that, you can safely proceed to create the appearance of your doll. Instead of eyes, buttons, mouth, or embroider bright colored threads perfectly fit. Most often for hair use dense woolen knitting threads, they are sewn with a secret seam. Also, you can tie a kerchief or a hat, it's much easier. Of course, you need to consider which doll you are making. We offer you one of the wonderful patterns of the doll, which will become a real pride of your future collection of self-made toys, as well as a wonderful gift for the child. How to carve a doll. Photo # 2 How to carve a doll. Picture №3 How to carve a doll. Photo №4

