How to make a horse out of beads, outline, video / Toys yourself, patterns, video, MK

How to make a horse out of beads, outline, video / Toys yourself, patterns, video, MK

Make your own hands fabulous or ordinaryThe horse can be made from beads of different shades, do not limit yourself to standard colors, such as black or brown. For a horse, you can take beads of different sizes and shapes, for the torso, round beads of large size will also fit.

Weaving patterns from horse beads

In addition to beads for crafts, you need to take a fishing line orwire of small section. Horses on the wire are made faster, and they take less beads. For example, for the tail and mane, the beads are required only at the end of each wire piece. In products with a fishing line it will be necessary to fill the beads with the whole structure, otherwise it will turn out to be unstable.

Photo master class on weaving

When working, the trunk of a horse first tends. The head and trunk are a single canvas made of beads. Limbs, mane and tail are separate elements that attach to the trunk. The mane is executed as from separate beaded strings, so connected with each other by curls. With the tail, the situation is similar. Additionally, the horse can be decorated with a saddle,elements of decor, a fantasy horn, then it is transformed into a unicorn. For a horse in the form of a child's rocking chair, it will be necessary to supplement it with runners, which are easy to make from the same beads by threading a wire into it instead of a line.

