Cute butterflies from the wire with their own hands
Butterflies made from wire canbe used as pendants, earrings, hairpins and other women's jewelry. They can also be used as beautiful keychains and mobile phone charms, Christmas tree decorations, interior decor elements, etc.Butterflies are usually made from soft material.knitting wire with inserted beads and other decorative elements. Craftsmen already use silver wire and precious stones. The weaving process itself is extremely difficult for an inexperienced person, so it is best to start with simple products. We will consider several of them below. Let's start with such a cute butterfly, but not burdened with complex elements.To make it you will need weaving tools (flat-nose pliers, round-nose pliers, nippers), wire, a medium-sized bead, paper, and a pencil.As usual, we start by drawing the outline of the butterfly. If you can't draw it, print the picture on a printer.Next, fold the wire in half and begin to make the butterfly frame, following the drawing.Then we create a double knot so that the butterfly does not fall apart.At the final stage of production, we put on a bead and create antennae (antennae).The DIY wire butterfly is ready. If you plan to use it as a pendant or keychain, you will need to additionally create a ring for fastening.With shiny wire, the product can be brighter, especially if you use a colored bead. But this is a matter of taste.The second wire butterfly that we will look at is a little more difficult to make and consists of two parts fastened together.Print out the drawing and use it to create two identical frames.What bends and where to make are well shown in the photos below. First, make a loop, which will be the center of the upper part of the wing.Next we create the upper and lower parts of the wing. After the lower part of the wing, we create the abdomen and antennae.The whole half is ready. All that remains is to make another similar one and connect them together.Well, here's the third butterfly.In appearance, it is fundamentally different from those discussed above and is created a little differently (relatively complex weaving). How exactly, watch the video, it is in English, but the main points are clear even without knowledge of the language. Finally, a few interesting, in our opinion, ideas for making butterflies from wire with your own hands. Perhaps you will be able to create something just as cool. #gallery-1 { margin: auto; } #gallery-1 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 25%; } #gallery-1 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-1 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */