Crafts from threads and possible techniques for their implementation by their own hands. Photo.

Crafts from threads and possible techniques for their implementation by their own hands. Photo.

Surely there are no time in your apartmentyour favorite things that are out of fashion, or you for some other reason have stopped using them. Do not rush to throw them away, but try to give these things a new life. Having dissolved an old sweater, a hat or scarf, you can make your own wonderful souvenir for a relative or a doll for your child. Crafts from threads will also easily decorate your house and create a unique atmosphere of warmth, peace and comfort. Crafts from threads and possible techniques for their implementation by their own hands. Photo .. Photo №1 If you were previously trained in knitting techniquescrochet or knitting needles, weaving macrame, then these skills will certainly be very useful to you and you can apply them in the manufacture of any design developments. Also they can be arranged among themselves, making your self-made works even more colorful. But if you are not taught this, do not despair! First, you still have everything ahead and you can start to master them at any time convenient for you, and secondly, crafts made of thread can be made even with the usual glue, scissors and other complex tools. For example, having in your collection a string of mulina, you can make a pretty bracelet on your arm for yourself or your daughter. To do this, take an ordinary paper clip. Thread the different colors together, fold it in half and tie it in a knot in a bend. This knot, with the help of the above clamp, is attached to the top of the hard cover of any book. We select the leading thread and bind the others with it. You can start with an ordinary pigtail, so it's something you should be able to weave from early childhood. When the shortest of threads comes to an end - again we tie a knot. The remaining ends of the threads can be fastened by wrapping with adhesive tape. When you remove the clamp, you will see that near the first nodule, an opening has formed. The rest of the thread is pushed into it, and this is not an intricate way to get a clasp. Here you have a very original bracelet. Such an elegant decoration will definitely give pleasure to its owner. Crafts from threads and possible techniques for their implementation by their own hands. Photos .. Picture №2 Also a lot of interesting things can bemake out of threads, glue PVA and balloons. Using this method, you can create a vase for flowers or Christmas decorations in the form of balls, candy or toys and even a delicate bouquet of lilies of the valley. The technique itself is very simple to use. The size of the balloons you choose yourself, based on what you decide to make. The photos you will look at will prompt you to choose the product from which you would like to start this experiment. Crafts from threads and possible techniques for their implementation by their own hands. Photos .. Picture №3 To begin with, you inflate a balloon, althoughyou can use and fingertip. A coil or a skein with threads is better to put in any container. The tip of the thread should be threaded into the "Gypsy" needle and pierced the middle of the bottle with glue. Holding the ball in the left hand, wrap it with a thread soaked in glue. You start to get a kind of cocoon, while the pattern and its density you adjust yourself, given your idea. After the end of this process, let the cocoon dry for 4 hours. When it finally dries, pierce the balloon and gently pull it out of the cocoon. Further we do everything that we have conceived.

