Funny and bright felt chairs

Funny and bright felt chairs

Another bright and juicy design ideaproduction of original furniture, which is quite possible to bring to life with your own hands. Small and funny chairs and armchairs of the Rough & Ready series are an experimental furniture collection by Slovenian designer Vanja Bazdulj.Mr Soft felt chair, rough&readyDespite the functional ambiguity of suchchairs, these juicy, positive interior items make you smile and immediately attract attention. Unpredictability, spontaneity and originality are perhaps the most attractive features of cheerful chairs and stools made of felt.chairs Mr Soft, rough&readyThe manufacturing method is quite simple.From this flexible and now traditional creative material, pieces of different thicknesses are cut out, combined and fastened together with ropes, creating comfortable seats with playful shapes.chairs Mr Easy + Sidekick, rough&readyBright colors, abstract patterns transform chairsinto original art objects that can add variety to a modern, often too even, minimalist interior and will fit organically into children's or youth rooms.details, chairs Mr Easy + Sidekick, rough&readyAll models of the unique Rough&Ready collection can be made to order, taking into account the customer's wishes in terms of color, size and shape.Ms Marine Chair

