A lesson on the beadwork of icons, a detailed master class with diagrams and a photo for beginners.
There are three ways of embroidering icons:process the finished pattern using bead embroidery; cross-stitch the body parts, and use beads to embroider the clothes shown in the pattern; create an icon without using bead kits. In this lesson, we will tell you more about the first option, and only describe the others. We advise beginners to buy beads of the same size, and then, due to their skills, complicate the embroidery with beads and stones of different sizes.The scheme is intended to be used as a basissilk and linen fabrics. Silk provides a sliding base, and linen ensures the fabric does not wrinkle. Using hoops is not recommended, they damage the beads. For embroidery, we use frames. They can be created by hand, taking into account the size of the canvas.
If you don't want to use a hoop orframe, you can do without them, but try not to allow the base to skew so that the embroidery is even. Before starting work, iron the back of the fabric. Beads should be sorted by color. Select one thread in accordance with the shade of the beads. Embroidery is done as follows:
- In the eye of the needle thread the two ends of the thread, afterthat it must be secured by creating a loop in the place where the first beads will be located (work starts from the upper corner on the left obliquely);
- needle is displayed on the front side of the fabric;
- we take a bead of the necessary shade and put it on;
- The needle is inserted into the corner located on the opposite side (from the lower corner of the left side to the upper corner on the right);
- the initial and final beads of all rows should be sewn twice;
- then the needle moves to the next row in the upper corner of the right side;
- dress the bead;
- The needle is inserted into the corner at the bottom left.
This method embroiders the icon both in the straight line,and in the opposite direction. Particular attention should be paid to the depicted elements (faces, hands), on the approach to which the thread is torn. In other words, the work should be carried out as with the final row. Special attention is paid to constrictions - they should be completely excluded. In the finished embroidered icon, the edges are processed with an iron and placed in a baguette frame.How to create an icon embroidery with beads usingfloss? First, you need to take a cross stitch pattern, then select beads for processing clothes, as well as floss threads for creating hands and a face. First, process the pattern with threads, then with beads. Particular attention should be paid to the cells on the canvas so that they are not smaller in size with beads, because this will cause the embroidery to gather. Then, using beads, you need to mark the outlines on the pattern, and then fill the space. Such icons, which are created using beads and a cross, will look more voluminous and realistic.
Besides that, another advantage of such paintings isis cost-effective, and they are larger in size than sets created using beads alone. Quite complex is the type of embroidery when a ready-made pattern is not used for work, but a church calendar is used. It is necessary to have a wall calendar with an image of the Saint, then you should select other materials by color and size: stones, beads, beads.
Then you need to cut out the main face of the icon withoutbackground image and transfer it to the fabric. We make markings, then we should cut out the parts of the body and face that are open, and transfer them to the fabric base. Then we create embroidery of all the details in a non-random order. We fill the work, starting with large stones, sewing them with small beads around the circumference. When embroidering the 2 final rows remaining to the unfilled areas of the body, the paper blanks are glued to the fabric. After that, we sew the beads.
At the last stage we apply a special varnish coating and frame it in a baguette frame. This is how beadwork of icons is done.
It is advisable for inexperienced craftswomen to start withsimple and then move on to a more complex technique. Portraits and landscapes embroidered in this way will have visual volume. By creating the main plan and other main details with beads, you can see the transformation of paintings made with beads using floss and ribbons.