Muffins in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes

Muffins in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes

During the New Year holidays, I want to pleasetheir relatives and friends with tasty dishes. In addition to preparations for decorating the house, regular solemn procedure for the purchase of gifts, as well as visits to various shops in search of original garlands, sooner or later we will have to return for a plate and build something tasty for a festive table. On the one hand, there is an old, unchanging menu for New Year and Christmas events. On the other hand, I want to try something new.

Muffins in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes

Cupcakes in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes. Photo №1 Baking for the new year is a veryAn interesting step that will please all your guests. As they say, children will be happy! But, before preparing any delicious hand-crafted article for your table, you should thoroughly think over the idea of ​​such baking. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the unique master class for creating unusual cupcakes. We all heard about the main assistants of the main culprits of the celebration - Santa and Santa Claus. Of course, these are deer. It is in the form of deer that our beautiful and unique cupcakes with special filling and sprinkling will be performed. Christmas cupcakes in the form of deer - recipe Cupcakes in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes. Photo # 2 For cooking unique and interesting muffins, weto learn a variety of culinary tricks, learn how to re-prepare the dough for such a new recipe, and also, as usual - go shopping to buy all the necessary products. Moreover, the lesson will provide a step-by-step instruction for the study, which will help to comply with all the subtleties of cooking a unique dish and its features for our table. In total we will prepare 16 muffins, and for them we need such a set of products:

  • It will take a plate of chocolate, dark
  • Butter in the amount of 100 grams
  • Milk in a glass for 250 grams
  • 2 eggs
  • one and a third of a glass of flour
  • A quarter of a glass of cocoa in powder
  • A third of a glass of sugar in the sand
  • 1 and one second soda in a spoon
  • Two pinches of salt

For glaze

  • Chocolate in the tile
  • White chocolate (a pair of lobules)
  • 5 tablespoons - milk
  • Pretzels in the form of cookies
  • M & Ms for decoration or equivalent - brown and red

Cupcakes in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes. Picture №3 To begin with, it is necessary to prepare ourkeksikov. To do this, you need to heat the oven to 180 degrees. Then, take milk, sand from sugar, chocolate (black), and butter (cream) and melt with a microwave, or using a water bath. Then, the composition is stirred until homogeneous. This mixture of milk and chocolate is supplemented with eggs, then again whipped. After that, we prepare the second container and prepare the flour with soda, baking powder and cocoa powder, with a small addition of salt. We mix our composition. We connect both mixtures and get a large, shaped piece of dough. It must be kneaded, it must be thicker than the dough for pancakes. After that, the dough is distributed with small molds, which we use for cupcakes. They are laid out with paper rosettes in the required dimensions. Next, we bake the dough for 18 minutes. Biscuit cooking Cupcakes in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes. Photo №4 We are waiting for our ready varieties of goodiesthey cool in the form. After that, the cupcakes will be more than doubled. Get the option of a gentle test. Then, prepare the biscuit. To do this, you need to re-heat the oven, but up to 190 degrees. After, take the egg and separate the protein. Yolk is used for grinding with granulated sugar, to white composition. The protein is hammered with salt and whipped until it increases its volume. After, continue the action of whipping, add sugar. After that, whisk until there are dense peaks. We make a connection of the yolk and protein, we commingle along the trajectory from the bottom to the top. After, you need to sift the mass of whipped flour, as well as starch. Stir from top to bottom and get the dough in a light, airy form. Using a culinary pouch on the nozzle, we put on the parchment small mugs in the size of 2 centimeters. You need to leave a gap on the cookies to 2-3 centimeters. Bake for 10 minutes. Cool it down. Cupcakes in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes. Photo №5 Decor For a start, you should melt the chocolate, andalso add milk to it. But, the glaze should not be very liquid. It should be applied with light movements and also dries quickly. In order for the glaze to have a brilliant appearance, it is necessary to add a spoonful of butter, as well as sand from sugar. Then, the mass is mixed up to a uniform composition. We apply our icing. Then, glue our version of the cookie in the form of a muzzle. Also, we take the pretzel in order to form the horns. After, melt white chocolate in a hot water bath and using a pastry confectionery, we form circles of eyes. The pupils form with the help of glaze of dark color. Chocolate freezes, we expect. The mouth is formed from the glaze, the nose is formed from sweets. We also use it for chocolate eyes. That's how we made our deer cookies! Cupcakes in the form of deer for the new year - a master class of baking and a recipe for cupcakes. Photo №6

