Types of artificial reservoirs in the country

Types of artificial reservoirs in the country

Relaxing by the water is always preferable at any timetime of year. On a hot summer day, you want to swim in refreshing waters, and on cool evenings it is pleasant to just sit by the pond, watching the fish, listening to the rustling of trees and splashes of water. But many garden plots are located far from rivers and lakes, so you can only dream of relaxing by the water. But what if you build a pond with your own hands right at your dacha? First, you need to decide what type of pond you want to have. Conventionally, artificial ponds can be divided into swimming and decorative, which is a fundamental issue in terms of cleanliness and hygiene. A swimming pool or bathing area should meet strict hygienic requirements much more than decorative ponds. Water for bathing areas should be specially purified, ozonized or chlorinated.swimming pond - swimming poolFor a decorative pond, other measures are neededto establish a natural ecosystem where the water will be self-cleaning, not cloudy or blooming, and plants and fish will feel great. As a rule, decorative ponds of different types are created with your own hands to decorate garden plots.ornamental pond on the siteGeometric reservoirs are given the correct shapeshape - rectangular, round, trapezoidal, etc. Square, round or rectangular ponds fit most organically into geometrically correctly arranged gardens.rectangular ornamental pondAs a rule, such reservoirs are on the edgesare edged with tiles made of artificial or natural stone. In terms of compatibility with other elements of the site, it is advisable to place them near the house and areas, which emphasizes their right angles and lines.geometric decorative pondA variation of geometric reservoirs is the elevated type, which has a number of advantages. Its location above ground level eliminates the need to dig a pit and remove soil.raised decorative pondOn the vertical walls of the pond you can placebenches or flower beds, and make a fountain in the pond. This type is relevant for families with small children who can fall into a pond located below ground level.raised geometric pondNatural reservoirs maximally copy the natural style of a natural pond, have smooth outlines, arbitrary shape, and are usually planted with specific plants along the edges.decorative Japanese pondThe descent into the water is usually gentle, the bottom is lined with stones, pebbles or boulders. The irregular shape of the reservoir will fit better into a garden of arbitrary layout.ornamental pond with pergolaSuch ponds are located in the depths of the garden and become a favorite place for relaxation and privacy.natural form of a decorative pond

