Knit different types of rubber bands for making unique and beautiful things using free schemes, descriptions and photos.
Types of knitting “rib” patternsknitting needles The "rib" pattern is often used to make socks, sweaters, mittens and many other items. Among the elastic bands, there are transverse and longitudinal types, elastic and those that serve as decoration. Regular elastic bands, which are made only with front and back loops, have designations in the form of numbers that indicate the number of loops that alternately replace each other in the rapport. For example, two by two (2 * 2) or three by one (3 * 1). It should be understood that the first digit indicates the number of front loops, and the second number is the number of back loops. More complex in execution and structure elastic bands (shaped) most often have their own name. We will talk about them in more detail today. Regular elastic band "2 * 2" You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of two. First row: we start it by knitting one edge loop, then follows the repeating part: two front, two back loops; we finish the row with one edge. The second row and all the rest are created following the pattern: we create front loops over the front loops, and back loops over the back loops. We create other types of simple elastic bands in a similar way.Cross view of elastic First row:knit the front loops. Second row: create purl loops. Third row: knit the front loops. Fourth row: knit the front loops. Fifth row: create purl loops. Sixth row: knit the front loops. From the seventh row, begin repeating from the 1st row.
Pattern “English” elastic band This typeThe pattern is often used when knitting scarves, hats and winter sweaters. You should cast on a number of loops that is a multiple of two. First row: start it by knitting one edge loop, then follow the repeating part: one front, one back loop; finish the row with one edge. Second row: start it by knitting one edge loop, then follow the repeating part: one front, make one yarn over, and remove the back loop without knitting; finish the row with one edge. Third row: start the repeat from the 1st row.
Polish elastic pattern This typeThe pattern is similar to the 2*2 elastic in the way it is knitted, but in structure it is more like the English elastic. You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of four, and add edge loops. The first 2 rows must be knitted using the 2*2 elastic pattern. Third row: remove the edge loop, and then you need to determine the central loop of the 1st rapport - this will be the front loop, to the left of it is the purl. The last of these should be knitted only with front loops. Knit it and all subsequent purl loops with front loops, and the next 2 with purl loops. Thus, we alternate until the end of the row: two front loops, then two purl loops. Fourth row: you should determine the loop in the center, and then proceed in the same way as with the third row. After knitting a few rows, you will notice that the center loop in each pattern begins to stand out.
Pattern of “complex” elastic band This typeThe pattern is somewhat similar to the "Polish" elastic, but here the rapport will be wider, because it consists of six, not four loops. This pattern is good for creating scarves, hats and all winter warm knitwear. You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of six, and add two edge loops. First row: two front, two back loops; then - one front, one back loop. Repeat this until the end of the row. Second row: create one back loop, and then the repeating part of the pattern follows: two front, one back loop; then - one front, two back loops. Repeat this until the end of the row. Third row: start knitting from the first row.
Pattern “lush” elastic band This patternIt is good to create scarves and hats. Using this pattern, you can knit a sweater-scarf. In this case, you will have to spend 2 times more yarn than for a standard 1*1 elastic band. You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of two. The first 2 rows must be knitted using the 1*1 elastic pattern. We create the second row and all the rest, following the pattern: we create front loops over the front loops, and back loops over the back loops, respectively. In this case, knitting a front loop, you need to pass the knitting needle through the loop that is located below and pull out a new loop, not forgetting to reset the top one.
The pattern is "American" or“Bulgarian” elastic You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of three. First row: one purl loop, two front loops. Repeat this until the end of the row. Second row: create two purl loops, and then the repeating part of the pattern follows: one front loop, two purl loops. Repeat this until the end of the row. Third row: knit two front loops, which are moved to the left, and then - one purl loop. Fourth row: create one front loop, two purl loops, also moved. Fifth row: start repeating from the third row.
Snake pattern("French" elastic) You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of three, and add two edge loops. First row: the following is a repeating part: two front loops, one back loop. Second row: create one edge loop, and then the following is a repeating part of the pattern: one front loop, then one yarn over, remove the back loop without knitting. Repeat this until the end of the row. Finish with one edge loop. Third row: start knitting from the first row.
Elastic band pattern - "tangled" This typeThe pattern is very simple to create, but looks quite attractive. You should dial a number of loops that will be a multiple of eleven, and add five loops to ensure symmetry and two edge loops. First row: the following is a repeating part: five front loops, one front loop, one purl loop, one front loop, one purl loop. Finish with five front loops. Second row: the following is a repeating part: five purl, one front loop, one purl loop, one front loop, one purl loop, one front loop. Finish with five purl loops. Third row: start knitting from the first row.
Pattern "oblique" elastic band DialThe number of loops that follows is a multiple of three. The first row: we begin it by knitting one edge loop, then follows the repeating part: two front loops, one back loop; we finish the row with one edge. We create the second row and the remaining even rows, following the pattern. The third row: we begin it by knitting one edge loop, then follows the repeating part: one front loop, one back loop, one front loop again; we finish the row with one edge. The fifth row: we begin it by knitting one edge loop, then follows the repeating part: two back loops, one front loop; we finish the row with one edge. The seventh row: we begin it by knitting one edge loop, then follows the repeating part: one back loop, one front loop, one back loop again; we finish the row with one edge. The ninth row: we begin knitting from the first row.