Winter colors in the interior of 2015 (11 photos)
Winter colors in the interior
The most important factor in the design of anyinterior design is the choice of color scheme. By what colors prevail in the design of walls, ceilings and floors, you can tell a lot about the life position and character of the owners of the house or apartment. There are a huge number of different design solutions for interior decoration. Today, one of the most popular interior design ideas is the concept of different seasons. Natural colors and their combinations, harmoniously created by nature, are always pleasant to human perception. To create a winter interior, you first need to decide on the main color. One primary color should be used for 2/3 of the room's decoration. The main color will set the mood of the entire interior. The remaining 1/3 of the room can be occupied with additional colors. Additional colors should be used as accents in the room. Any winter interior can be created using red, gray, black, white and green.winter colors in the interior
Red color in the winter interior
Red is able to create a certain warmthatmosphere in the room when there is frost and wind outside. As complementary colors to red, a calm green or turquoise color is perfect for creating a winter interior.Red color in a winter interior
Orange color in the winter interior
Orange color in a winter interior is suitable forcreative and emotional people. This color helps a person get rid of depression. An additional color to orange can be a calm shade of blue.Orange color in a winter interior
Yellow color in the winter interior
Yellow color creates a feeling in a winter interiorwarmth, practicality and helps you relax. A complementary color to yellow can be purple. And a winter interior, in which red and turquoise are additional colors, will make the room more voluminous.Yellow color in a winter interior
Green color in the winter interior
Create a soft and refreshing atmosphere in the roomThe atmosphere can be achieved using the color green. In addition to green, you can choose red. And in the work area, a combination of green, blue and yellow colors would be appropriate.Green color in a winter interior
Blue color in the winter interior
Blue color has a calming effect. The best option for a complementary color would be orange, the color of optimists.Blue color in a winter interior
Neutral colors in the winter interior
Neutral colors in the winter palette are commoneither very pale colors or very dark. These are usually shades of black and white, gray and brown. They combine perfectly with each other, creating a winter landscape. Winter is a time of contrasts. Black trees are visible from under the white snow, and a brown village house stands under a snow-covered roof. And in the winter interior, two opposing colors are dominant: white and black.Neutral colors in a winter interior When creatingIn winter interiors, due attention should be paid to shades. For example, the ceiling and walls can be done in sandy white, while gray, beige or blue shades are more suitable for the floor. If the main interior is made in black and white, then the accents of the room can be made in bright shades of red, green and calm blue. The winter interior will be perfectly complemented by black and silver metals, as well as a large number of shiny fabrics in cool shades. Satin or satin is perfect. Did you like the article? Share on social networks!