Artistic painting of surfaces with contour paints

Artistic painting of surfaces with contour paints

In order to paint any with your own handsan object in the point-to-point technique, it is not necessary to be able to draw well. Everyone can depict simple figures and primitive drawings - this is quite enough. And as a result, you will get a real masterpiece of handwork, capable of surprising and delighting any connoisseur!painting with outlines, a plate "Butterfly", keltmaRemember the state when your head is occupied with one thing,and at the same time, your hands draw intricate patterns and ornaments, for example, during a long conversation on the phone. This is exactly what you need for decorative painting of bottles and surfaces. Any complex drawing consists of a set of simple figures and elements. Start painting unnecessary and simple things, for example, glass bottles. You can safely practice and experiment on them without fear of ruining them. You will start decorating valuable items later, when you get the hang of it and are no longer afraid of ruining the thing.artistic painting with contour paints, keltma For work, purchase contour (volume) onespaints for decorating different surfaces - glass, wood, ceramics. Fortunately, now the choice of contours is very wide, for example, paints Idea, Pebeo, Tulip, which can be bought both in art and decoration shops, and in online stores, for example, Azur. Contours are available in tubes with a spout, so it will be very convenient and easy to master the dot painting technique.contour painted box, keltmaA dark or light background is a wonderful background for, and on a transparent surface you get an openwork and airy ligature. Any surface must be prepared. Glass - degrease, cover with a primer or paint of the desired color and two layers of varnish. If the natural color of the bottle is suitable, then it is enough to simply degrease. Wood, metal or plastic - you need to sand down the unevenness, cover with a black primer and two layers of varnish. Varnishing things has two goals: a shiny, bright background is visible between the patterns, and in the case of decorating non-glass, the varnish creates an imitation of a glass surface on which the contours hold well.tray, polychrome painting with contoursThere are a huge variety of patterns, of whichThe result will be a complex, integral ornament. Practice drawing some patterns on a small area of ​​the surface, remembering that you change the size of the dot by the force with which you press on the tube of paint:straws, painting with outline paintsmeander, painting with outline paintssquare meander, painting with outline paintschevron, painting with outline paints furrows, painting with outline paintsspiral curls, painting with outline paintsteardroprhombs, painting with outline paintsThe use of one color is called monochrome painting, and if you select contours with a smooth transition of colors, you will get a polychrome painting with a three-dimensional effect.warm and cold scalesStart decorative painting with contour paintswith limiting the area of ​​the drawing, making a border. Along the perimeter, draw figures of fish, animals, ethnic motifs - everything that you can and want to depict. Draw as best you can!fringedrawing, painting with outline paints. . . . . . . . . . .Fill the inside of the figures with patterns. The drawing should be rich and bright, use all the colors of the contour palette that you have. Fill the remaining space between the images with random lines, dots, figures - everything that comes to mind. Let go of your consciousness and let your hands embody the patterns from the subconscious.drawing, painting with outline paintsvase, painting with outline paints. . . . . . . . . The original master class can be seen on keltma’s personal page.

