Quickly sew a toy money frog with your own hands, you can by using our material
Sewing a toy money frog with your own handsis not a difficult process. However, the work on the toy itself is quite exciting and interesting. It will not take much time and special financial costs to make a toy. It will be a great gift not only for a child, but also for an adult. Any soft toys are unique products that everyone, without exception, likes, both children and adults. If for the first age category they are an object for games, a means of occupying their leisure time, then for the second - it is, rather, a talisman, memory, an interior item. The first toys appeared in ancient times. They were made from improvised means, in particular from leather, scraps of fabric, old things, tow and threads, pet hair, since these were the only available materials. Today, everything has changed and many manufacturers offer a huge range of various products for this purpose. Therefore, in stores you can buy any toy you want. But, as you know, it is much more pleasant to make it yourself. This is exactly the option we want to offer you today. In our article, we will tell you how to sew a toy money frog with your own hands. This toy is not just a beautiful decoration for the interior, but also a symbol of good luck, career growth and monetary abundance. Therefore, it will be a great gift for any holiday. We will sew our frog from leather or leatherette. Surely, you have an old bag or jacket at home that can be used as a consumable. Color does not matter. Absolutely any will do. According to the pattern that you see below, we will cut out the details for our frog.Having made the drawing, we transfer it to the material andlet's cut it out. First, we need to sew and turn out the paws of our frog. To make it easier to turn out, you should use a stick intended for sushi. Using the same stick, we will need to straighten the seams on the parts. In order for the paws to acquire the necessary volume, they need to be stuffed with filler, which can be, for example, synthetic padding. The paws can be considered ready. We need to attach them with sewing pins in the right places on the back part and stitch. Now we will connect the two front parts, the head and the belly of the future toy, and stitch again.
We have two parts of the frog - the front andback. We will connect them with the front side inside, while the paws are also hidden inside the product and stitched on the machine. The line will need to be made along the inner contour. We make a line along the contour of the toy's shorts and cut through.
On one side we need to rip the seam a little,approximately seven centimeters, or leave this area unstitched during stitching. We need the opening to turn the product inside out. Remember, if we are sewing a leather frog, it is better to use the first option, then it will be easier to make a seam by hand along the seam already made by the machine. In a textile product, it is easier to use the second option.
We turn the workpiece inside out, carefully straighten the seams and stuff this peculiar little bag with filler. In this case, the frog's head should be stuffed quite tightly, and the belly should be made looser and softer.
The hole through which we stuff the toyyou need to sew it up by hand, preferably with an invisible blind stitch, so that the frog has an aesthetic appearance. As a result, we will get such a cute little frog.
All that remains is to sew on the eyes, which we will useYou can use beads. The eyes should be slightly recessed inside. We sew them not each separately, but together, having previously sewn them together. We will hang a talisman decoration on the frog's neck - a golden ribbon with a coin hanging from it.
An excellent toy - the money frog is ready.