How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating flowers

How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating flowers

Any home would be incomplete without cute little oneslittle things that create coziness and a special atmosphere. You can decorate your home with a variety of things and ways. Some people prefer a rustic style, others like high-tech or modern. And some mix several styles and get an amazing and original cocktail. There are so many interior accessories for decor that there is something special for everyone. Recently, topiary has become increasingly popular - small decorative items in the form of a tree with a geometrically correct crown shape. Initially, topiary appeared as a direction in landscape design. Trees with a beautifully trimmed crown have been known since the times of Ancient Rome. It is from there that the name of this decorative element came to us. Topiaries were special slave gardeners who had to look after the topiary - a separate section of the garden with trimmed trees. In modern design, a completely different topiary is used. It does not need trimming, watering and other agricultural concerns. This decorative element is not a copy of any existing tree. Craftswomen make beautiful and original topiaries that decorate homes from a variety of available materials: ribbons, coffee beans, beads, sisal, paper and many others. There are no general requirements for topiary. The shape of the crown can have absolutely any geometrically correct form, and the fittings and materials are left to the choice of the craftswoman herself. The topiary can be placed on the floor, decorate a table or a bookshelf. It will perfectly replace live plants, because all care comes down to periodic dusting. In addition, a wide selection of materials of various colors, shades and textures will allow you to choose this decorative element for almost any room setting. In this article, we suggest making several beautiful topiaries.

Topiary of Satin Ribbons

How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №1You will need:

  • Tapes made of satin are 2.5 cm wide with three different shades (two for flowers and one for leaves);
  • A piece of silvery fabric;
  • White satin ribbon 1 cm wide;
  • Threads in tone tapes and a needle;
  • Material for packing (perfectly fit balls from synthon);
  • Glass;
  • Ball for tennis;
  • Wand thick with a pencil;
  • Pins;
  • Adhesive or glue gun;
  • Alabaster;
  • Lighter or candle;
  • Capacity for topiary (suitable for a large plastic cup or a small pot for indoor plants);
  • Elements of decor (beads, sequins, sequins, beads).

First, you need to make a hole in the tennis ball. Dip one end of the stick in glue, or just cover it with glue and insert it into the hole. Wait until it driesHow to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo # 2Mix the alabaster with water until it reaches the desired consistency.thick sour cream. Now we take our container, pour alabaster into it and insert the blank with the ball. There should be another three - four centimeters of space from the alabaster to the edge of the pot. We leave it until it hardens completely, having made supports in advance so that the blank stands level. While our base dries, we begin to make roses from ribbons. We take a ribbon 2.5 cm wide and place it with the shiny side away from us. Now we fold the right end into a triangle so that the edge of the ribbon looks down and the shiny side becomes visible. We fold the lower right corner to the left and make a tube with another turn to the left. We bend the free edge of the ribbon so that we get a triangle with a shiny side and turn the tube to the left again. Here you need to use a needle and thread to secure the core of the future rose. We continue to bend and twist the ribbon, periodically stitching the winding. We make petals until a small tail remains. It needs to be secured with a needle and thread.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Picture №3Cut off the long tail of the rose and melt the cut line over the fire. The rose is ready. You will determine how many you will need.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №4To diversify our topiaryLet's make some leaves in addition to the flowers. To do this, cut the ribbon into small rectangles and fold the top corners so that they meet at the bottom, forming a triangle (see photo). Run a needle and thread along the base and tighten it.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №5Now let's move on to additional elements.decoration in the form of silver balls. To do this, cut the fabric into squares, put a ball of padding polyester in each and sew the edges. You will need about 12 of these blanks.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №6Our preparation with alabaster by this time is alreadyshould harden. Now we need to find the most successful, beautiful and best location for each flower, leaf and ball. Pins are great for temporary fastening. When you have decided on the locations of the flowers, you can plant them on glue. Wait until they dry. We also need to decorate our stick with a ribbon, on which the topiary “grows”. The beginning and end of the ribbon that we will wrap it with must be glued.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №7Now let's start decorating the pot,stem, etc. in our pot or cup, stepping back from the top edge a couple of cm, we make neat holes at an equal distance from each other in a circle. Now we take the silver fabric and cut out a circle from it. The radius of the circle should be larger than the value from the center of the bottom of the pot to its top edge by a few cm. Sew along the contour of our fabric with a thread. Try it on, the threads should go above the edge of the pot, if you put it in the center. We place the pot in the circle, lift the fabric and tighten it. We wrap the free edges inside the pot. Now we do two things at once - we decorate the pot with sequins and sew the edges of the fabric. To do this, we pass a needle and thread through the holes that were pierced earlier.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №8You can put artificial grass, pebbles, beads, basically anything that comes to mind, under our tree in a pot. Topiary from ribbons twisted into tubesHow to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 9You will need:

  • Polyfoam ball;
  • Stick for stem;
  • Multicolored ribbons;
  • Glue;
  • The container where we will “plant” the topiary;
  • Alabaster;
  • Pins;
  • Different decor.

We do it in our foam ballhole and insert a stick greased with glue into it. Dilute the alabaster with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Place our workpiece in a container and fill it with the mixture. If you don’t have any alabaster or plaster at hand, you can use pebbles or any other weighting agent. Since the product will be quite light, it is not necessary to attach it to the container tightly.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Picture №10After the craft hardens, we begindecorate. To do this, cut the ribbon into rectangular pieces. Wind these pieces onto your finger, forming tubes. Now take such a tube, pierce it with a pin with a cap from the inside out so as to capture both ends of the ribbon. We stick such structures into a foam ball, trying not to leave gaps.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 11All that's left is to decorate our topiary according to your wishes and taste, for example, with paper frost or cutting out pieces of ribbons. Topiary made of satin ribbons, rolled into rosesHow to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo number 12Very warm, chocolate, coffee and milky colors of ribbons for roses, will be advantageously shaded with light purple or light lilac ribbon, from which we will make bows. You will need:

  • Satin ribbons of different colors (white, golden beige, bronze and chocolate for flowers, green for leaves);
  • Cardboard;
  • Threads in tone tapes + a needle;
  • Glue (instant and PVA);
  • Burnout (if not, then a lighter or a candle);
  • Balloon;
  • Thick cotton threads (suitable for knitting);
  • Capacity;
  • Scotch;
  • Decorative elements;
  • Crochet hook.

Before we start creating a topiary, weyou will need to make a base for the future crown. To do this, inflate the balloon, grease it with something greasy, such as cream, and wrap it with cotton threads, previously soaked in PVA glue. If the glue is very thick, you can dilute it with a little water. Now you need to wait until the glue dries completely. This can take from 24 to 48 hours, depending on the size of the workpiece and the thickness of the winding. Now deflate the balloon, and our base for the crown is ready.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo №13Now we cut out leaves from green ribbon.If you do this with a wood burner, you don't need to melt the edges to prevent them from fuzzing. Don't be upset if you don't have such a tool. Just cut out the leaves with scissors and run the edges over a candle or lighter.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 14Now let's get started with the satin rosesribbons. We need to cut the cardboard into square pieces measuring 3 x 3 cm and 5 x 5 cm. The cardboard should be thick. Now we need to embroider something like a snowflake with threads. The number of "rays" should be odd. In the center, we need to make a hole without catching the threads, such that we can thread the ribbon. We begin to roll the rose. To do this, we thread the ribbon through the hole, twist it a little and thread it through one of the "rays", twist it again, etc. (see photo). To make it easier to work, use a crochet hook. Do not tighten the ribbon too much. Free coils look more floral, voluminous and organic. Now we need to thread the end of the ribbon through the central hole to the wrong side. Sew the ends of the ribbons. Cut the cardboard so that it is not noticeable from the face. We glue a couple of leaves and the rose is ready.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo number 15There is no need to make the flowers the same size, let them be different.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo number 16We begin to glue the flowers to the base.Combine roses of different sizes next to each other. To make the trunk of the topiary, you need to roll the cardboard into a tight tube and secure it well with tape. The diameter of the tube should be slightly larger than the diameter of the crown blank.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo number 17First we wrap it with chocolate-colored ribbon,and then glue purple or lilac ribbons to the tube on top. We attach our blank to it. Now you can “plant” our topiary in any pot you like and decorate it with beads, small bows made of lilac or lilac ribbon. Miniature topiary in a cupHow to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 18Before this we made quite voluminous topiaries, but in this master class we will make a very small topiary, which we will place in a cup. You will need:

  • Tapes of satin of different colors 2.5 cm wide;
  • Pieces of green organza;
  • Glue (glue gun);
  • Wire (thick 3 - 5 mm);
  • Lighter or candle;
  • Tweezers;
  • Cup or other small container;
  • Basis for the crown (Christmas ball);
  • Elements for decoration (beads, sequins, etc.).

The first stage is preparing the petals.To do this, cut the ribbons into squares. The edge sides of the ribbon should be the right and left sides of the squares, and the top and bottom should be cut off. You can first cut out a pattern from paper, then stack several squares and cut out many blanks at once. Melt the rounded side on top over the fire so that the petal bends a little with the front shiny side outward. For one flower, on average, you need 9 - 13 petals.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 19It's time to make flowers.You need to roll one petal into a tube with the shiny side outward. Take the second petal. Apply a drop of glue to the shiny side and wrap our tube-center in it. The second petal should be a little higher than the first. Take the third petal, drip glue again on the shiny outer side and wrap our workpiece in it. The petals go in a checkerboard pattern, i.e., the edges of the previous one are covered by the middle of the next one. Glue all the flowers in this way.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo number 20I'll cut off the extra threads on the tails neatly,which have frayed and melt over the fire. We proceed to create the base for the crown. We take our wire and bend it as our imagination suggests. We glue the ball and wrap the entire trunk with green tape.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 21Now we glue our roses to the ball with a gun. In those places where the base is visible, you can glue pieces of green organza. It will replace the leaves.How to make your own hands a topira with a satin ribbon decor, step-by-step photos of making topiary with the use of different techniques for creating colors. Photo Number 22Now all that remains is to attach the topiarycapacity. To do this, you can twist a loop on the free end of the wire and unfold it perpendicularly. Glue it into the cup. Decorate the top with green organza, beads and bows.

