Toys made of wood. How to make a sword with your own hands.

Toys made of wood. How to make a sword with your own hands.

On the agenda are wooden toys,environmentally friendly and interesting toy for a child. Watch our master class - how to make a sword with your own hands. Yarik recently asked his dad to make a sword, he agreed, and I walked around with a camera and took pictures of everything. We needed: Board Hacksaw Sharp knife Hammer Axe How to do it: You need to take any board, better, of course, not rotten and not very dry, we found this in the barn:toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsFirst they made the tip of the sword - using an axe and a hammer they chopped off the excess pieces of the made of wood. how to make a sword with your own hands toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsThe tip didn't turn out very nice, so my boys trimmed it with a regular kitchen knife, the main thing is that it's sharp.wooden toys. how to make a sword with your own handstoys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsNext in line is the handle. First, you need to make cuts to mark where the handle will be (correctly, the guard or crosspiece).toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsNext, using a knife and a hammer, we cut off the excess pieces on both sides at the marked places to create a handle that is comfortable for the made of wood. how to make a sword with your own hands toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsThis is what the sword turned out to be:toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsTo get a wood pattern on the sword, you need to clean it with a knife, then sand it:toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsYarik volunteered to do the sanding:toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own hands toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsThen they decided to make a pattern on the sword (knife).toys made of wood. how to make a sword with your own handsSuch a sword can be decorated with anything, but Yarikneeded exactly this. Thus, a wooden sword is not at all difficult to make with your own hands. And any boy will be happy with such a simple wooden toy! See more toys for children with your own hands. Make a swing for children with your own hands.  

