Mobile with your hands on a cot, of paper, felt / Toys with your hands, patterns, video, MK

Mobile with your hands on a cot, of paper, felt / Toys with your hands, patterns, video, MK

One of the first toys with which he meetsthe kid is a mobile, a child's attribute on the crib. Krokha with pleasure studies the swinging merry-go-round and gaily extends the handles to the bright figures. No baby cot can do without this important in the development of the child obekt.Mobil to a cot can be bought in the store, but think how much it will be more beautiful and original, if you make it yourself. A merry merry-go-round for a newborn can easily be made from improvised materials. To do this, you just need to show your imagination and spend a little time. Materials and tools To make a mobile with your own hands, you will need sewing accessories, glue, scissors and other tools for needlework. Toys for the carousel can be sewn from felt, fabric, felt and even made from paper. As a filler should be used sintepon or holofayber. mobile on the bed with your own handsThe frame on which the toys are attached, you canmade of a variety of materials. The easiest option is a plastic or wooden embroidery frame. Also fragments of branches, a wire and any wooden sticks are quite suitable for creation of a skeleton. The toys are hung on threads, ribbons, elastic bands, laces or a fishing line. Useful tips To make the mobile phone for the newborn look beautiful and functional, there are several secrets of its manufacture:

  • Toys for children's mobile should be positive, bright and safe. It can be various animals, fish, butterflies, birds and other heroes of children's fairy tales.
  • It is undesirable to take pastel tones for making figures. Little babies do not take them well.
  • When assembling a carousel, try to make the toys detachable so that you can change them to new ones at any time.
  • In the design of figures should avoid small items that can fall off or tear off the toy.

Mobile for the newborn with birds from felt - a master class

We need: pieces of felt of different colors, golden cord, holofayber, embroidery frame with a diameter of 25 cm, two satin ribbons 0.5 cm wide and 2.5 cm long and 1.5 m long, Moment glue, scissors, sewing accessories and eye beads . mobile on the bed with your own hands-4Step one: We make patterns of toy parts according to the attached scheme of paper, and then transfer them to pieces of felt and cut out. There should be 12 parts of the bird's bird body, 12 wings, 6 beak parts, 3 flowers, 3 leaves and 4 details of the cloud. It is desirable that the birds on the mobile are of different colors. mobile on the bed with your own hands-5Step two: Sewing wings to the details of the bird's body. Then we sew two details of the bird to each other, not forgetting to insert the beak and leave a hole for the filler on the back. Then we fill the body with a holofiber. In the same way we make clouds, and we sew one leaf to the flowers. mobile on the bed with your own hands-6Step Three: Sew a hole for the filler. Then sew the birdies eyes with beads. Also we decorate with flowers beads. Then we take from the hoop an inner circle and wrap it with a satin ribbon, which has a width of 2.5 cm. The end of the tape is fixed with glue. We divide the circle into six parts and tie each piece along a golden lace from 30 to 40 cm long. mobile on the bed with your own hands-7Step Four: To the laces we tie birds, flowers and clouds, as shown in the photo. mobile on the bed with your own hands-8Step Five: Next, we make the mobile mount. To do this, we tie two thin tapes to the frame of the mobile crosswise. Then attach a strong cord to the intersection of the ribbons and get a ready carousel for the newborn. mobile on the bed with your own hands-2

Mobile on a bed with balloons made of felt - a master class

We need: wooden cube size 8 by 8 cm, 4 wooden slats of the same size, dowel, strong cord, metal hook, pieces of felt of different colors, filler and sewing accessories. mobile on the crib with your own hands-10 mobile on the bed with your own hands-11 mobile on the bed with your own hands-12Operating procedure:

  • First we make a holder for hangingcarousel. At the intersections of the diagonals carried out in the four faces of the cube, we drill holes. At the center of the upper edge, screw the hook to suspend the mobile.
  • Next, at one end of each rack, drill a hole for the cord, as shown in the photo. The other end of each rack is inserted into the hole of the cube, pre-lubricated with glue.
  • Next, we make toys. To do this, we cut out from the felt various colored details (each in 2 copies). By applying parts of different shades, we arrange balloons and clouds and sew them, not forgetting to leave a hole for the holofayber.
  • Further we stuff toys with filler and sewhole by inserting a suspension cord into it. To hold the string firmly, you need to tie a plastic part to its tip and, sewing a toy, leave it inside.
  • We attach the toys on the cords to the holes on theReiki and on the hook in the cube. On 4 cords place one balloon and one cloud. On the central one hang two balloons and one cloud. You can make a composition using your own imagination.
  • mobile on the crib with your own hands-9

    Mobile to the crib Kosmos - master class

    We need: pieces of felt, strong cords, sewing accessories, embroidery frame or wooden slats. Work order:

  • We make a skeleton for a mobile with one of the above methods.
  • We make patterns of details on the attached scheme and we sew two spaceships, an asterisk and a planet.
  • We attach the toys to the frame of the mobile. Suspended carousel for the newborn is ready.
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    Mobile from pompoms for a newborn - a master class

    We will need: multi-colored woolen thread, embroidery frame, cardboard, cords and scissors. Order of work:

  • We cut out two identical circles from a cardboard with a hole in the center and a notch on one side.
  • Fold the two mugs together and start winding the woolen thread around the ring through the cut.
  • Wrap a fairly large number of threads on the ring, cut them with scissors along the edge of the ring. We connect the pompom in the center and straighten it.
  • In this way we make the necessary quantity of bright multicolored pompoms and tie them to the double frame of the mobile.
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    Mobile for a cot with butterflies - a master class

    We will need: a lot of colorful paper, embroidery frame, satin and chiffon ribbons, scissors and fishing line. Work order:

  • We make skeleton according to the lessons presented above.
  • We produce from paper a huge amountbutterflies of different sizes. You can make butterflies monophonic, different colors or variegated, depending on your imagination. Templates for cutting butterflies can be found on the Internet or draw by yourself.
  • Manufactured butterflies in loose order string on the line, tied to the frame. We decorate the rings with colorful ribbons and fasten the mobile to the ceiling. Children's attribute on the crib is ready.
  • mobile on the bed with your own hands-17We hope that by our lessons you can easilymake a mobile with your own hands. Homemade pendant with bright cheerful toys will entertain and reassure the baby, as well as cute decorate a baby cot. You can make several versions of toys and periodically change old figures to new ones. Such a "changeable" mobile will never bother the child.

