To mold your own flowers from polymer clay is not difficult. To do this, it is enough to carefully study the recommendations given in our master class with a photo
We sculpt orchids from polymer clay with our own handsPolymer clay was first used by the Germans to make dolls in 1930. It has been more widely used since the 1960s. Nowadays, this easy-to-use material can be used to make quite original crafts, sculptures, artificial flowers and decorations. Flowers and entire bouquets made from this material have recently become fashionable. There is nothing easier than to start making flowers from clay yourself, and you don’t have to have a special education or be a sculptor to do this. It is much more important to have patience and perseverance, as well as a sense of style, and to know a little about the basic rules of sculpting. It is best to make flowers and bouquets from self-hardening clay, since it does not require additional exposure. In contrast, fired polymer clay is mainly intended for items that require increased strength, such as jewelry. Using clay molds, you can make a beautiful phaselis orchid, or as it is also called - "butterfly". The absence of molds should not be an obstacle for your hand-made, since they are used to give the petals a natural texture. Smooth, veinless petals will not look much like orchids, but their elegance will not suffer much from this. Having made a bouquet of artificial flowers from polymer clay, you can surprise your loved ones with an original gift for International Women's Day. To get started, you will need the following tools and materials:
- paints (with a brush);
- clay (polymeric);
- wire;
- knife;
- gloves (latex or rubber);
- Stroke with a rounded tip;
- rolling pin;
- molds;
- flat plate;
- patterns for the core.
So, let's get started. Take a small piece of clay and use a rolling pin to smooth it out, leaving a small bulge in the center, as shown in the illustration.
After this, place the template on the clay in the formкрестика и вырежьте ножом сердцевину нашей орхидеи. На языке флористов она называется «губа». При отсутствии подобной формочки, можете сами её нарисовать на полимерной глине и потом аккуратно вырезать. Перед переходом к следующему шагу нужно разрезать нижнюю часть заготовки.
Forming the core: After cutting out the clay, take it in your hand and gently bend the top inward. Using a rounded-edge skewer, bend the remaining parts inward.
Next, take a small piece of wire and bend it.at a right angle to one edge. Spread glue on this edge and fix the core to it. Create the middle of the "lip" from a small piece of polymer clay. This can be done by rolling it into the clay like an elongated grain and cutting it with a knife. After that, place the "grain" in the center of the "lip", attaching it to the wire.
To make our orchid look more natural, paint its “lip”.
Next comes the turn to make the petals.First, roll out the clay, similar to what we did with the core, leaving a small mound in the center. Place the clay on the mold, press firmly, and then remove all unnecessary parts with a knife. Attach a wire to the base of the resulting petal.
Next, we make more petals in the same way,which, like a real orchid, should be 5 pieces. Color all the petals with dots, choosing the color at your discretion. Finally, arrange the petals and the "lip".
If you did everything correctly, your polymer clay orchid will look like the one in the illustration below.