How to make acacia from beads. Scheme of weaving wood with photo beads
There are many beautiful, not at all, things in the worldsimilar trees, each of them is unique and beautiful in its own way. Admiring this magnificence, we will try to copy what nature has created in our creativity. I will give a master class on weaving acacia tree from beads. For work we need:
- beads No. 9 yellow – 50 g;
- yellow beads No. 15 - 10 g;
- green glass beads - 50 g;
- round beads in the same tone as glass beads No. 10 – 10 g;
- silk threads of brown color;
- floristic ribbon of brown color;
- stones;
- wire;
- Painting tape;
- ceramic pot;
- alabaster;
- universal transparent adhesive.
How to create a tree from beads?We start with weaving branches with flowers. To do this, cut a wire 1 m 30 cm long. At a distance of 10 cm from the edge, we collect five yellow beads No. 15, twist seven turns (about 0.7 cm).We make two more of the same loops from beads along the edges.
Then we cut a 20 cm long wire, bend it in half and add it to the bunch for thickness. We wrap the long end of the wire around it 2-3 times in a spiral, as shown in the photo.
We twist two more loops of five beads and place them in a different plane than the previous two.
Then we collect four more loops with seven beads and four with ten. Between the rows (one row - four loops) we make a twist into 2-3 spirals.
The following rows are made with beads No. 9. In the first row, we make loops of three beads.
Then we will make rows of five and seven beads.
Let's look at the work from a different angle:
In the following rows we will combine beads. First, we will make a loop of seven small beads.
We will wrap this loop with a loop of large beads.
This is what it looks like if we look at the finished row from the other side:
We collect another row of nine small beads in a loop. The clusters can be increased by repeating the last two rows.
Now we start creating the leaves: On the middle of a 60 cm long wire we string five glass beads.
We twist it into a loop, making a twist of 0.5-0.7 cm.
Let's make two more such loops. To do this, we put a bugle bead on each end of the wire again, five beads.
We twist the wire in the same way.
The next four loops will have three central beads each.
We collect four more loops, in which there will be one bead in the center. Here we have a branch - a five-row blank made with your own hands from beads and bugles.
You need to collect 20 of these blanks, and more20 pieces, consisting of four rows, and 20 - of three. When all the small components for the bead tree are ready, we begin to assemble. We take silk threads, hook a branch of wire, beads and glass beads.
We wrap the trunk of the workpiece with threads down by 0.5-0.7 cm.
We attach the next leaflet blank with silk threads.
A bunch of acacia flowers must be tied behind the leaves using silk threads.
The acacia branch made of beads is ready.
Then we collect all the bunches and branches in exactly the same way.From the remaining blanks, we make branches with 2-4 blanks of foliage in each (we assemble them arbitrarily). When all the small parts are assembled into small branches, we begin to assemble them into larger ones, which will be the supporting branches of the bead tree. From 3-4 small prepared bunches, we assemble a large branch, wrapping it with floral tape.
Now all the main branches of the tree are ready.
The branches look very thin. To make our tree more realistic, we need to add thickness to the branches. For this, we will use masking tape.
We connect the existing branches and wrap them with masking tape.
Again, we wrap the entire trunk of the beaded tree with floral tape.
Now the flowering tree made of beads is ready, butit cannot stand without our support. When our tree is ready, we need to make a stand for it, that is, plant it in a pot. To do this, we select a suitable container that will be a pot, try the tree on it, bend the wire base if necessary. Now we dilute the alabaster, pour it into the pot. We put the tree in it. We wait until the alabaster dries, thereby supporting the tree so that it does not fall. On top, we decorate the hardened "soil" with pebbles, gluing them with transparent glue.
That's it! An original handmade gift or a unique decoration for your home, made with your own hands, is ready!