Learning to the smallest detail yarn for knitting

Learning to the smallest detail yarn for knitting


Yarn is a derivative of the word "spin". When it is pronounced, an image of a beautiful young girl sitting next to a painted Russian spinning wheel and holding a spindle in her right hand is born.
Art critic V.S.Voronov writes: "A spinning wheel standing next to a spinner decorated her along with clothes, beads and ribbons." From the age of 5, little girls in Rus' learned to spin in order to prepare their dowry. And the transition to adulthood was marked by a gift from their mother or grandmother of an adult spinning wheel. In this way, the girl was prepared for married life, and the spinning wheel, as a valuable family heirloom, was passed from generation to generation.

Today, bits of history have been preserved, such asrarities can be found only in museums or from rare needlewomen who are fond of old Russian crafts. Yarn as a thread, made by the method of spiral twisting from fibers of various origins, is produced by smart machines on an industrial scale.

Types of yarn and its application

The raw materials used for the production of threads providename of the final product. The raw materials for the production of yarn are of natural and synthetic origin, in turn they have different types and are used in different ways. Natural types of raw materials:

  • Animal origin wool, silk are widely used for the production of clothing and various household items;
  • Of plant origin, flax, cotton, hemp, nettles are used for making fabrics on an industrial scale.

Synthetic raw materials:

  • Artificial fiber, obtained from naturalMaterials and subjected to chemical treatment. Among them, viscose and bamboo are made from wood with the addition of natural and chemical compounds. It is widely used in various branches of human activity;
  • Synthetic yarn is made entirely ofFibers of chemical origin. Popular brands used in various types of textile production are acrylic, nylon, lycra, polyester, microfiber;
  • Combined yarns are most popular withConsumers, they absorb useful properties from natural and synthetic materials, are widely used for the production of clothes and for knitting with crochets and crochets.

For the needlewomen today a huge choice is openA different kind of material for creativity. Beginners just run their eyes and it is important to be able to distinguish the types of yarn and choose the right thread for knitting with knitting needles.

Learning the label

To easily navigate the vibrant diversitycolored skeins, when buying you should look not only at the attractive thread, but also, first of all, at its label. This is not just a piece of paper tape holding the skein, but also a collection of useful and important information. The label contains:

  • Brand (brand);
  • The purpose of yarn;
  • composition;
  • Bar code of the country of manufacture;
  • Weight coil;
  • Length of the thread in the skein;
  • Number of tools for knitting;
  • Bound sample 10 * 10 cm;
  • Conditions for processing yarn in everyday life.

Advice! Experienced needlewomen always keep a label and a piece of yarn for the archive! On skeletons from brand manufacturers there is a detailed information. Additional values ​​can be added, which any experienced master will read.
Convenient markings will tell you the parameters of the thread, its thickness, its color number, so that you don’t get confused later when buying more shades and the yarn consumption for a certain size.

Only by number, according to the table, there is muchLearn about the skein: how it is made, for what models it is used and with what knitting needles it is possible to work with it. The note! Abbreviations in the description of knitting: P - loop, P - row, Face - front, Izn - purl.

Popular types of yarn: knitted patterns

Most needlewomen choose models forKnitting from different sources: television, the Internet, glossy magazines on needlework. The instructions are already attached to the models, what yarn for knitting is needed, how many grams, what color, and according to the scheme with their own hands and the necessary tools you can create beauty.

Winter. It's time to knit cute hats, scarves, fashionable snacks and mittens. For this time of the year woolen yarn, yarn from cashmere, mohair and angora are used. Pleasant to the touch, fluffy, soft and very warm natural hosiery, from which incredibly beautiful knitted models are obtained. In the photo, fashionable in this cold season snod and wristband, they can easily and quickly connect any beginner needlewoman.

To work you will need:

  • Yarn - 550 gr (100% yarn of sheep or lamb's alpaca);
  • No. 7;
  • Hook number 6;
  • Auxiliary pins or spokes - 2 pcs.

Description of work. For tying with circular knitting needles dial 126 n, close in a ring and repeat * 9 n garter stitch, 33 n according to the scheme *. In 14, cut the canvas to 123 p. Then, in 112, 116, 118 p, cut the pay sts. There will be 108 p, the height of the product is 63 cm, only 120 r. Edge crocheted.
For wristbands, cast on 24 sts, close inring. Knit 3 sts in garter stitch and 21 sts according to the pattern (underlined in red). In row 4, make a hole for the finger, close 3 sts in garter stitch and in the next row, pick them up again. In rows 13, 15, 17, 19 and 21, add one st, for a total of 29 sts. The height of the product is 22 cm, a total of 42 rows. The wristbands are knitted in the same way, only the location of the hole for the finger is different.

Spring.With the first rays of the sun you will want rich colors and an update to your wardrobe. Acrylic, nylon yarns, semi-wool, microfiber, chenille are suitable for creativity. You can knit a tube scarf and unusual leg warmers as in the photo, the image will be spring-like bold and bright. For work you will need:

  • Yarn - 600 g of polyacryl;
  • Circular knitting needles.

Description of work. For a scarf, type 56 loops with circular knitting needles, close and tie several rows together with an elastic band. Next, to cover the front surface 36 cm, go back to the elastic band 1 * 1 and close several loops after several rows.
To knit the leggings, cast on 26 stitches and close in a circle, knit with a 1*1 elastic band for 6 rows and then with the front surface for 21 cm. Switch again to a 1*1 elastic band and close after 6 rows. The total height of the product is 25 cm.

Summer.The lightest types of yarn are used at this time of year. Models can be knitted from knitted ribbon, cotton, linen, viscose, hemp, nettle and bamboo. A simple nude top with white trousers and massive wooden decorations will look elegant and stylish. For work you will need:

  • Yarn - 350-400 gr (100% cotton);
  • Hook №3, №4.

Job description: The top on the photo knits very simply. The number n must be a multiple of 6 + 5 extreme. Hooked according to the scheme is the canvas of the desired length. In the neck area, thin shoulders are tied 5-7 cm. You can trim the top, for this, from both edges, decrease by 1p, then add them again.

Autumn.With the onset of the first cold weather, light fluffy jackets, cardigans, fashionable berets will be relevant. At this time of year, blended, tweed, boucle yarns, voluminous fantasy threads with long pile are used. Do not forget to update the children's wardrobe in the fall with new, funny hats. For babies, special children's yarn is used, hypoallergenic, 80% acrylic and only 20% wool. For work you will need:

  • Yarn - 125 g (three-dimensional);
  • Circular knitting needles number 8;
  • Pompons fur - 2 pcs.

Description of work. Spokes are typed 48 p and knit with an elastic band 2 * 2 only 23 r. At 24 and 26 r all 2 are reduced together. In 28 r all the remaining ones are closed by one n. Fur pompons are sewn on both sides of the finished product, as in the photo. Both mother and daughter can be associated with the same cute hats, all the passers-by on the street will look at such a couple.
Important! To avoid skewing of the fabric, knit the front loops with circular knitting needles, and purl loops - behind the back!

Knitting Accessories

The table of this needlewoman always pleases the eye. Abundance of materials for creativity, beads and baubles, laces, hammers and various tools for work.

The master must be stocked with different knitting needles andHooks, from the thinnest # 2 to the thick # 5-6. Always have at hand scissors, pins for removing loops, markers, needles, buttons, sewing threads. With experience, new accessories are coming, stocks of remains are growing, an album with memorable photos of completed works is being added.
Yarn winder, such a device can be purchased by a needlewoman who works with a large amount of material. It is difficult to wind threads with your own hands, which constantly get tangled and stick to clothes.

The yarn winder, as in the photo, has a table fastener, a thread tension regulator and coils a quality smooth coil.
It can help to unravel an old product and return the yarn to its original state. Such a device will become a good helper for a beginner knitter.

Video: Tools for knitting and yarn

