Step-by-step recipe for making Napoleon cake with orange cream with detailed photos
There are many versionsof making the Napoleon cake. They differ in the number of layers in the dessert, the composition of the cream: one will like the creamy one, and the other will like the meringue. And yet, few housewives like to make this cake. The main reason for this "dislike" is that the process of rolling out and baking the layers takes a lot of time and is very labor-intensive. In our ultra-version, you can avoid the tedious process of baking twenty layers. The dough will turn out soft and perfectly exfoliating. And if it is left, next time it can be used for pies with meat filling, cheese. To bake a dessert for 12 people, we will need the following ingredients:
- Table or butter margarine - 300g
- Apple cider vinegar (you can use regular vinegar, but you need to extinguish it with soda) - 1 tablespoon
- Egg 1st grade - 2 pcs
- Salt - to taste
- Water - 200 ml
- Butter-cream oil -200 g
- Sugar – 1 glass
- Orange zest – 1 teaspoon
- Medium fat milk - 1 cup
- Premium flour - 3 cups
It takes about 2 hours to prepare this delicacy.1. Cool the margarine in advance so that you can chop it finely with a knife or a blender with a dough attachment. Alternatively, you can also grate it, but quickly so that it does not melt in your hands. 2. Mix the margarine with flour.3.While mixing margarine with flour in a container, make a small depression there. Combine the egg with vinegar and salt in a glass. Fill it with water. Then, stirring constantly, pour the contents of the glass into the container with flour and knead the dough with a spoon. Pour the contents of the glass into a bowl with flour and form the dough.a. Carefully place the dough on the table. Form three parts, wrap each separately in film and place in the refrigerator. b. Cooling time of the dough will take at least half an hour.4.In a small bowl, mix sugar with a tablespoon of flour. Beat in one egg and pour in milk. Cook the cream at low temperature until it thickens, but do not allow it to boil excessively. When its temperature drops, add melted butter, orange zest and mix.5. After 30 minutes, take the dough out of the refrigerator. Roll out each part thinly, pierce with a knife in several places and bake at 180 degrees for fifteen minutes.6. Collect the cake trimmings and form a cake layer to decorate the top of the cake. 7. When the cake layers have cooled, place them on the table surface and give them the desired shape by trimming their edges.8. Grease each of the cakes with cream and press them together thoroughly for better soaking. 9. Generously grease the top of the pastry with cream and sprinkle with crumbs.10. Place the cake in the refrigerator to soak.It needs at least three hours to soak, preferably overnight. Useful information: Cake layers can be baked in advance. They will easily retain their softness for a week. The cream can be prepared the day before the cake is made, and the butter can be added before greasing the cake. Instead of orange zest, you can add another ingredient to the cream.