Pull out the schemes on February 23: postcard yourself

Pull out the schemes on February 23: postcard yourself


Crafts created using the isonit technique are alwayslook unusual and original. And if it is a gift for some holiday, its most important advantage is that it is made with all the heart. Today's material is dedicated to the themed holiday of February 23. The proposed master class will demonstrate how you can decorate a notebook, a postcard and other items using the isonit technique. Even a beginner in this business can do such embroidery on cardboard. You will be offered step-by-step photos, which you will use as tips.

Making a souvenir for the holiday on February 23

To conduct this master class, dedicated to the February men's holiday, you will need certain materials, here is their list:

  • Threads of different colors;
  • Colored cardboard or velvet paper;
  • Carbon paper;
  • PVA glue;
  • Needle, thick needle and scissors.

Before you start working on a postcard,Devoted to the twenty-third of February, it is necessary to break the diagram into diagrams. In each scheme, the filling of a certain figure will be shown, using the example of a circle and an angle. The details are divided into an even number of elements that are equal in length. Pierce the holes with a thick needle from the wrong side. We fix the knots and edges of the threads with glue or tape, also from the wrong side. A pink pencil indicates an embroidery pattern. The diagram shows figures that will show the correct direction of the firmware thread.

After carefully studying the diagrams, you canstart embroidering the pattern using the isonit technique. The creation of the pattern begins from the back side. Divide the number twenty-three into several segments and embroider as you would fill a circle using the isonit technique. If you have gone a little beyond the number twenty-three, then tighten the embroidery by making additional stitches.

The side stripes and the middle stripe need to be embroidered with orange threads.

The two inner stripes of the ribbon should be filled with brown. The edges of the embroidered ribbon in the form of the number twenty-three are made with a stitch through one division also with brown threads.

The number three will be made in the form of the Russian flagtricolor. The first strip is embroidered with isonit with white thread. The second and third stripes are blue and red, respectively. The edges of the number are made with a stitch through one seam, in blue.

The petals of the flowers will consist of four corners. Each pattern is embroidered using the isonit technique separately, by filling the corner with red color.

Other petals are embroidered according to a different patterncolor as they do the filling of the circle. The edges of the sepals and stems are made with a stitch through one division. The execution of the postcard in the isonit technique, dedicated to the holiday of the twenty-third of February is ready.

This was one example of how you can decorate a small gift for February 23. The embroidery will look even more impressive if you do it on velvet paper with silk threads.

Schemes for embroidery of various cards

