Tulips of beads: spring flowers with his own hands (photo)

Tulips of beads: spring flowers with his own hands (photo)


Beautiful spring flowers tulips, can be done with the use of inexpensive materials such as beads. This work takes a little time and money, but it gives a very impressive outcome.

Necessary materials

To produce flowers with his own hands, we need high-quality beads, smooth, good calibration, the petals and leaves of the tulip was neat.

Tulips of beads can be made one-color,or weave a few pieces of different colors and combine them into a floral arrangement. For weaving can use yellow, scarlet, crimson, pink, white beads, that is, all the natural colors and shades of tulips, which are found in nature. Master - class in this article will use two colors of beads: blue for the flower buds and pale green for the leaves. Blue beads take a few shades, such alternation of light and dark colors make a tulip flower more natural.
To make the pistils and stamens, we also need a yellow and black glass beads (or beads). For the production of leaves, we will use green beads, or cutting (oblong glass).
This type of needlework, like beading, notIt dispenses with basic working materials - wire and netting scheme buds and leaves. The wire we need two kinds of thin leaves and flowers, thick stalk. You can use ordinary copper wire or fine jewelry. At the end of the work we will be winding its green threads, mimicking the stem of a flower.
In the attached photo you can see how it will look finished tulip bead.

Master - class weaving tulip bead

Making Special cutters cut the petalstwo lengths of wire, and length of 20 to 50, twisting them together. These we will need to weave bud petals. Use shades of blue beads. In short wire segment bright beads strung five and six dark, alternating between them. On the long end, just alternating, strung four bright and nine dark. Twist the long end of a short, strung with beads of, create a reverse number nine and four beads. Once again we catch a short segment of the base and continue to weave rows, using this scheme. Do not forget to add at the beginning of each row of the required amount. As a result, we should have six beaded rows on each side of the center point of weaving. This will be the inner petals bud, they need to do three things. How they should look after work, you can see in the photo.

Now we need to make the outer petalstulip, they, too, should be three. Driving their weaving is the same as that of the internal, strung on twisted wire twelve beads and weave four rows, not forgetting to increase the beads.

Production of pistils and stamens the nextstage of our master class goes from weaving stamens and pistils. They must be ready to put into the petals of a tulip to accurately reproduce the flower. How to make them? For weaving pistils we need three pieces of wire 20 cm. And black glass beads. Strung on a wire one black bead and two beads bugle beads will be the top of the pistil. Wire skip back through a series of glass beads, our pestle ready. Total pistils necessary to make six pieces.

Exactly in the same way produce stamenstulip, only use glass beads or glass beads yellow. Strung on a length of three beads or three glass beads, skipping the end back through the rows of braid. Now you need to connect the pistils and stamens in the heart, for this to attach each pistil stamen three (in a circle) and twisting together.

Scourge leaves
As a living plant and tulip beadit is impossible to imagine without the succulent green leaves. For their weaving, we need two pieces of wire, long and short, as in the manufacture of petals. Curl them together and strung beads green (or cutting) to cut about four centimeters long. Create on each side of one row (one row is 4 cm.). The next series is also lagging, only reduced by four beads before reaching the top, this reduction must be made on each side. As a result, we get a few cloves of leaves on both sides. Such rows have to do at least five. After weaving, the wire strung on top of a green bead and passes it through the whole series, we have a sharp tip of a leaf. At the same time, our training workshop on weaving leaves completed. What should happen teeth on the leaves, you can see in the photo.

Assembling Beading detail has allowed us tomake the basic details for the flower: the petals of a bud (three internal and three external), the core and the leaves green. Now all these items must be connected in a single whole.

For the core of the pistils and stamens fasteninner petals, evenly distributing them in a circle. Then, on top of these petals fasten outer petals, having staggered with respect to the internal, and all the wires are twisted together to form a stem. Cut a piece of thick wire, it will stem, and fasten it to the woven flower. Now we need to wrap the green thread. We begin winding top of a tulip bud, moving downwards. When he reached the middle of the stem, fasten green leaves and move on, winding thread entire trunk to the end. Winding should be tight to the stalk there are no gaps. To fix the thread we coat them with white glue and give dry. The assembly of parts of the flower can also look at the video. Such single flowers can make a few pieces and then combine in bouquets or flower arrangements. Tulips are beautiful beaded decoration of the interior and a good gift for the spring holidays.

At the end of our lesson, we offer you to watch video clips where experienced masters share ideas and technology create beaded tulips.

Video: Making beaded tulips

