As snowflakes weave of gum to the New Year holidays
- Instructions for weaving on a loom snowflakes
- Scourge snowflake on the hook
- Video: weaving lessons from snowflakes rezinochek
On the threshold of the New Year, relevant topics forSnowflakes, snowmen, Christmas trees and everything connected with this wonderful holiday become weaving. In this article we will learn how to weave a snowflake from rubber bands.
Instructions for weaving on a loom snowflakes
You can choose color options for the gumsits discretion. In our example, frosty beauties will be blue and white. six bars of the machine will be used for weaving. First, it is necessary to weave each ray separately and then combine them into a comprehensive snowflake.
Take a white elastic band and four timeswrap around the hook. We stretch the blue rubber band through the white one. The result was a kind of figure eight wrapped in the middle. We stretch both edges of the blue iris onto the second pegs. Now we stretch it along both edges of the machine from the second to the first and third columns. This is the first layer of weaving.
On the first and third pegs we put on a figure eighton a white elastic band. They form the second layer. We drop the irises of the first layer from the first and third columns inward. Next, the weaving continues with blue elastic bands. The sequence is similar to the previous step. We throw the next layer over the first and third columns in a figure eight and fold the previous layer of weaving inside.
We stretch a blue rubber band onto the second pegscolors. We do the same for the bottom row. We put snow-white elastic bands on the first and third columns. The bottom row must be removed through the outer side towards the center.
Now to complete the weaving of the first raysnowflakes, you just need to transfer all the rubber bands from the right row of the machine to its left row. The first element can be put aside to free the machine for the next one.
The total amount of a ray at the snowflakes - five. When they are intertwined, you can proceed to the completion of our product. Take two white iris and toss components to them. The ends of their need to connect the loop. Weave completed.
The pattern is quite simple, so how to weaveEven an inexperienced craftswoman can make a snowflake out of rubber bands. Experiment with colors, use rubber bands that glow in the dark. Such products can even be used as Christmas tree decorations.
Snowflake according to a different weaving pattern.
Take the iris and wrap it around four timesmachine column. Then we connect this column with the adjacent one with two more irises. We repeat these steps two more times. Thus, we have six columns with a similar pattern. On each pair we make figure eights, throwing the bottom rubber band to the center. Remove the loops using a hook.
Use a hook to weave the ray tothe required length. We repeat the procedure five times so that the appropriate number of rays are formed on the instrument. Using a hook, we thread two irises through the loops and tighten the knot so that the snow miracle does not fall apart. We straighten the elements, the product is ready.
Scourge snowflake on the hook
Res. We pull on the hook for four. Through it passes a second. By repeating this step, weave three blanks. Three blank toss 1 Res. The result was the first ray. Our Snezhinochka is five-pointed.
Five parts need to be put on an elastic band. We simply hook it and pull it through all the free loops of the elements.
When they are connected into a single whole, you can tighten the knot so that our gift does not fall apart.
Any snowflake can be given as a keychain to your loved ones. Simply attach a loop to one beam and the keychain is ready.
Video: weaving lessons from snowflakes rezinochek