Beading machine production versions with their own hands

Beading machine production versions with their own hands


Beading has now become a very popular hobbymany. It is beautiful, very interesting and opens up scope for creativity. Hand-made beaded items used as decorations always attract attention, emphasizing the good taste of their owners.
Many people think that beads are used for weavingonly bracelets, earrings or unusual figurines, but that's not all. Using a beading machine, craftswomen weave entire bead paintings using the bead weaving technique. Machines are as necessary for needlewomen as a bead spinner. In this master class, we will look at all the main ways to make machines yourself, as well as the rules for choosing them when buying and their types. You will certainly see that making a machine is not at all difficult.

Types of machine tools for bead weaving

Wire beading machineResolvedWhen buying a beading machine, you should pay attention to some of its characteristics and, based on them, choose the type of machine that will be optimal for you.
When choosing a beading machine, you should immediatelypay attention to the maximum width of the product that can be made on it. If you plan to weave only bracelets on the machine, then it is quite enough to buy a wire machine. It is convenient to weave on it, it takes up little space, and it is inexpensive. Another advantage is that the length of the product is not limited due to the spool on which the woven part is wound.
The next important thing in the loom is how the weaving base is positioned. To avoid straining your eyes too much, you should choose a loom where the base is at a 45-degree angle.
When choosing a beading machine, remember that theycan be wooden, wire, plastic and metal. Their models are varied - very simple, convenient for children and complex professional ones for creating entire pictures woven from beads.

Children's beading machine
Small wooden beading machine
Large wooden beading loom

Options for the manufacture of machines with their own hands

Plastic Frame Beading Machine
Having decided to start weaving from beads using the techniqueweaving, it is not necessary to buy a loom right away. For your first works, you can easily make it yourself. The simplest model, which will be quite durable, requires very little. You need to take a lid from a plastic container of sufficient length. It is desirable that it be made of soft plastic, then it will be easier to cut. To make a loom for beading, you need to cut out the middle of the lid (so that you get a frame) and then make cuts about half a centimeter deep along the narrow edge. Their number should be one more than the width of the number of beads in the product.
This very simple beading machine is quite convenient and is quite suitable for mastering the technique of bead weaving.
The machine is made of wood This type of self-made machinevery easy to use, and its use is recommended for beginners. Make it in several ways, and here we will look at almost all of them, losing only too similar.
The simplest version of a wooden machine forbeading is a loom with nails. It is very easy to make. For this you will need: a smooth wooden board of the required length and small nails with fairly large heads (the warp threads will not slip off). First, you will need to mark the board. This should be done as follows: stepping back a little from the edge, draw two parallel lines on it at a distance of 2 centimeters from each other. Then, at a distance of one centimeter, mark the places where the nails will be. The nails of the lower line should fall into the gaps on the upper one. We make the same markings on the opposite end. It is important to remember that as a result, the nails on the outer lines should be opposite each other. The same rule applies to the two inner lines of nails. Then we hammer in the nails. The beading loom is ready.

Beading machine with studsMachine made of cardboard Second version of woodenThe machine is a bit more complicated and not as durable, but safer (you won't get scratched by protruding nails). For it, you will need a board, thick cardboard (the cardboard from a box of chocolates will do just fine), metal corners and office clips.
The production of such a machine begins withpreparation of cardboard parts, there will be two of them. Cut out two rectangular blanks from cardboard and prepare metal corners of suitable width. Having wrapped the corners with cardboard, mark the middle and make neat cuts at the fold of the cardboard to a depth of about two millimeters. On both parts they will be at an equal distance. Only then will the threads stretched on them go parallel. Next, using office clamps, attach them to the base board at the required distance. The beading loom is ready.

The machine of the third variant of the machine combsIt requires more time for their creation, but it is very easy to use and durable enough. You need to take: the board for the base 4 is not large wedges for fixing and two wooden combs, the length of which will depend width of the body. To do it with your hands, you first need to fasten to the base wedges. They are bolted in pairs on each end. Between the cubes at one end should be left to crack, which is firmly, not taking off, go comb. Once both combs are installed, you can start to weave. This option is a self-made machine is convenient because you can change the comb, to change the maximum width of the product.

The machine is out of the cover of the carton so happens,that does not want to arrange a long preparatory work before the beading, and just want to do what he likes, and then you will come to the aid of the machine out of the box. Also, this machine will be very useful for beginners and skilled workers, are unfamiliar with this technique. He did not require cash expenditures, and work on it very convenient. Its great advantage is that even if at the time of weaving on it you with a needle slipped beads, they will remain inside the machine box. Since the production of this type of machine, it is necessary immediately to clearly define what will be the number of threads in the weaving basis, and to make the required number of slots (extra slots will only get in the way spoiling the edge of the box). As with all other types of machines, the slot should be clearly opposite to each other. Box stanochka this need with thin edges, or make cuts fail.

Beading machine from the line This is the mosta simple version of a bead loom and is suitable for beginners in weaving beaded bracelets for girls. It is narrow, light and very easy to make. For it you need a wooden ruler no shorter than 30 centimeters, hard cardboard and clamps. This bead loom is convenient for mastering the weaving technique. It will be very easy and simple for you to make it. The manufacture begins with the fact that the cardboard is folded in half and secured to the ruler with clamps. Then slits are made on it according to the number of threads.

We hope this master class was for you.useful, and beading on a loom will certainly become your hobby for many years. Now you will never have trouble making a loom yourself. Bead weaving is very exciting and allows you to weave the most unusual things. In this technique, you can easily create unique handmade belts and bracelets, bags and purses, as well as entire beaded paintings and bedspreads. It is worth remembering that bead weaving is very useful for children, and this technique will certainly captivate them.

Video: Making machines Beading

